Learn Perl

by Tut's Hub



【Perl】Perl is a programming language developed by Larry Wall, especially designed for text processing. It stands for Practical Extraction and Report Language. It runs on a variety of platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS, and the various versions of UNIX. This tutorial provides a complete understanding on Perl.【Topics Covered in this App are Listed Below】Perl - HomePerl - IntroductionPerl - EnvironmentPerl - Syntax OverviewPerl - Data TypesPerl - VariablesPerl - ScalarsPerl - ArraysPerl - HashesPerl - IF...ELSEPerl - LoopsPerl - OperatorsPerl - Date & TimePerl - SubroutinesPerl - ReferencesPerl - FormatsPerl - File I/OPerl - DirectoriesPerl - Error HandlingPerl - Special VariablesPerl - Coding StandardPerl - Regular ExpressionsPerl - Sending EmailPerl - Socket ProgrammingPerl - Object OrientedPerl - Database AccessPerl - CGI ProgrammingPerl - Packages & ModulesPerl - Process ManagementPerl - Embedded Documentation【Important Notice】This Apk Icon or Logo Goes To Totally Credit-Icon made by "Creative Tail" from https://www.creativetail.com [CC BY 4.0]https://www.creativetail.com/40-free-flat-animal-icons/ (Img Homepage) [Free Commercial]